My heart sinks at the hearing of your name
My heart is troubled like the ocean waves
It’s as if the once beautiful world is about to end
It feels as if the once blossomed flower is perishing

My heart feels so heavy, thinking about those moments we’ve shared together
Had I know its gonna be like this,
I would have made my stepping with caution
I would have been more prepared
I would have realized how the so called “LOVE” works.

My heart is injured because of the hole you left there

My mind is sick because your love has encapsulated my thoughts
My legs seems to collapse whenever I passed through where we’ve been together

All have ever sought for is your love
All have ever wanted is you being by my side
Am dying everyday with you far away from my heart

My love, please do reconsider your thoughts
I love you dearly

©NoblePen writes

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